Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Whole Lot of Hope

In this post, I am going to deviate from my normal topic of music to talk about the earthquakes and tsunami in Japan. As you probably know, a few days ago in Japan there were a serious of very large earthquakes and tsunami. This had many devastating consquences such as the washing away of many towns and a nuclear crisis. However, what I find very inspirational is the hope of the Japanese people. Today, I read a blog about the continuation of daily life in areas of Japan where that is possible, particularly in fashion. This strong attitude in the face of adversity is very admirable. I hope the Japanese continue to keep their spirits high until they come out of this tragedy. So to all of you in Japan: sing, dance, get dressed up, cook a meal, or if you cant do any of that just smile! I hope everything gets better soon.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


You love to listen to your favorite artists at home on your stereo, on your car radio, on your ipod on a plane. Maybe you really love the music so you go ahead and buy a convert ticket. But does the artist always live up to your expectations? Some artists sound great on their album with all the technical touchups that are done, and yet in concert their voices fail to make any decent sound. Others, sound even better live than you expected them to, a pleasant surprise. Some may not sound great in concert, but their performances are filled with lights and dancing and jokes more than make up for it. With all of these possible variables is it worth the price of a ticket? Well, I'd say yes; at least no matter what you get to leave with a fun experience and maybe a t-shirt!